Marefat Extra Activity 


Balloons and Static Electricity


  • Static Electricity
  • Electric Charges
  • Electric Force


Grab a balloon to explore concepts of static electricity such as charge transfer, attraction, repulsion, and induced charge.

Sample Learning Goals

  • Describe and draw models for common static electricity concepts (transfer of charge, induction, attraction, repulsion, and grounding)
  • Make predictions about force at a distance for various configurations of charge

Balancing Act


  • Balance
  • Proportional Reasoning
  • Torque
  • Lever Arm
  • Rotational Equilibrium


Play with objects on a teeter totter to learn about balance. Test what you've learned by trying the Balance Challenge game.

Sample Learning Goals

  • Predict how objects of various masses can be used to make a plank balance.
  • Predict how changing the positions of the masses on the plank will affect the motion of the plank.
  • Write rules to predict which way a plank will tilt when objects are placed on it.
  • Use your rules to solve puzzles about balancing.

Circuit Construction Kit: DC


  • Series Circuit
  • Parallel Circuit
  • Ohm's Law
  • Kirchoff's Law


Experiment with an electronics kit! Build circuits with batteries, resistors, light bulbs, fuses, and switches. Determine if everyday objects are conductors or insulators, and take measurements with an ammeter and voltmeter. View the circuit as a schematic diagram, or switch to a lifelike view.

Sample Learning Goals

  • Explore basic electricity relationships.
  • Explain basic electricity relationships in series and parallel circuits.
  • Use an ammeter and voltmeter to take readings in circuits.
  • Provide reasoning to explain the measurements and relationships in circuits.
  • Build circuits from schematic drawings.
  • Determine if common objects are conductors or insulators.