Marefat Extra Activity 


Area Builder


  • Area
  • Perimeter
  • Fractional areas
  • Scale factors


Create your own shapes using colorful blocks and explore the relationship between perimeter and area. Compare the area and perimeter of two shapes side-by-side. Challenge yourself in the game screen to build shapes or find the area of funky figures. Try to collect lots of stars!

Sample Learning Goals

  • Find the area of a shape by counting unit squares
  • Describe the relationship between area and perimeter
  • Build shapes with a given area and/or perimeter
  • Find the area of an irregular shape by decomposing into smaller, regular shapes (e.g., rectangles, triangles, squares)
  • Determine the scale factor of similar shapes
  • Generalize how area and perimeter change when scaling shapes

Area Model Algebra


  • Polynomials
  • Factors
  • Products


Build rectangles of various sizes and relate multiplication to area. Discover new strategies for multiplying algebraic expressions. Use the game screen to test your multiplication and factoring skills!

Sample Learning Goals

  • Develop and justify a method to use the area model to determine the product of a monomial and a binomial or the product of two binomials.
  • Factor an expression, including expressions containing a variable.
  • Recognize that area represents the product of two numbers and is additive.
  • Represent a multiplication problem as the area of a rectangle, proportionally or using generic area.
  • Develop and justify a strategy to determine the product of two multi-digit numbers by representing the product as an area or the sum of areas.

Area Model Decimal


  • Multiplication
  • Decimals
  • Area Model
  • Factors
  • Partial Products


Build rectangles of various sizes and relate multiplication to area. Partition a rectangle into smaller areas and discover new strategies for multiplying decimals!

Sample Learning Goals

  • Recognize that area represents the product of two numbers and is additive.
  • Develop and justify a strategy that uses the area model to simplify a decimal multiplication problem.
  • Devise a strategy to determine the product of two rational numbers (or an integer and a rational number) by representing the product as an area or the sum of areas.
  • Use an area model to understand why multiplying a given number by a decimal less than 1 results in a product smaller than the given number.
  • Interpret the product of two rational numbers using base-ten tiles